The Sequoia is a scarce tree from the Red Book. It takes about 2,000 years for this tree to grow. This feature makes the Sequoia not only extremely rare but historically significant. Another feature of the Sequoia is that this tree absorbs much more C02 than other trees.

1 Sequoia absorbs about 500,000 kg of C02 over its entire life cycle (~2000 years).

Sequoia is a symbolic tree for our project because it is the tallest tree on the planet. There are many different trees on our earth, but the Sequoia is considered to be a giant tree. It grows no matter what. The bark of the Sequoia tree is saturated with moisture and is protection during forest fires. Similarly, our project plans to become the most significant and unique in the crypto world.

The Sequoia World Team aims for continuous growth and a great benefit to both the ecology and the community, which will develop and create new large-scale projects with us. 🔥

The History of Sequoia

Scientists have determined that the sequoia grew on Earth more than 100 million years ago. This is evidenced by the fossils found with the remains of the bark. Thus, this tree is the same age as the dinosaurs. Today in the 21st century, we can see something that existed more than 3,000 years ago. For example, Sequoia National Park in California has a President tree estimated to be 3,000-3,200 years old. Unbelievable!

The name "sequoia" for these trees was suggested in 1847 by Austrian botanist Stephan Endlicher. It was his way of commemorating a Cherokee Indian chief named Sequoia, who had died several years before. In the first half of the nineteenth century, he succeeded in protecting the rights of the Cherokee Indians, uniting them, and integrating them into American society. His major accomplishment remains the creation and popularization of an alphabet for the Cherokee language, which the Cherokee Nation has adopted and still uses today.